Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Person in Public Life

A Person in Public Life that I want to become for a Brief Period in Time. If I were to become somebody else for a brief period of time, I would like to be the President of United States.I have known many people who have been asked this question and more often than not, they would answer Bill Gates or Oprah; but for me, I chose the President. Given this opportunity I would not think twice to choose the most powerful and influential man in United States.I want to be able to use that little time that I was given to do something worthwhile. The president has the capability to make change and impact the lives of millions of people. If an opportunity such as this would indeed present itself, I would make sure that every minute counts and that no time is wasted.As President, I would focus my attention to formulating strategies to solve the worsening economic problems such as increasing individuals access to capital, focusing on consumer’s awareness and financial literacy and minimizi ng predatory lending.I believe America should protect the family because as the most basic unit in the community, strong families provide a chain reaction which would reflect a strong community, a strong state and ultimately a strong society. I will put premium to the quality of work force because it would lead to stable jobs and ultimately a stable economy (Solutions for America, 2003).The dream of becoming a President and implementing change in the society sounds really idealistic but idealism is where everything started and in my opinion, it should not end there as well. Throughout history, we have witnesses different people turn these idealisms into visions and these visions into actions which our Country is reaping now. If it were not for the founding fathers’ bravery, the United States Constitution would still be a dream.After that brief period of time is over, I can still do something to effect change in my family and in the community that I live in. Like what Presiden t Obama said, we cannot expect the government to solve all our problems. If we want change, we must start somewhere and I think that the best place to start is with the people within our arms reach.ReferenceSolutions for America. (2003). The Guide for Civic Problem Solving. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from   

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Issues of Group in Iium

[pic] English for Academic Writting LE 4000 Dr. Faridah Abdul Malik Section 50 A Study on IIUM Students on the Issues of Group Workings Saiful Bahri ABSTRACT Under organizational behavior comes group behavior, how individual behave when working in group. This paper examines the posible errors that can be found in tasks done in group. The result showed that some of the errors are done on purpose due to laziness of IIUM students. Although, these students are aware of what causes the problems and what they should avoid to have a free-problem group work but they still manage to do them, either intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, in reminding them, some ground rules and peer assessment should be adapted in each group. Keywords: free-rider, teamwork, miscommunication, and time management. INTRODUCTION Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and the behaviors they have within an organization and in a workplace setting. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication and management (Organizational Behavior Introduction, Catherwood Library). Group behavior is a part of the organizational behavior in which it falls under the interdiciplinary field of sociolagy, how individual work in small r large groups. Group behaviour differs from  mass actions  which refers to people behaving similarly on a more global scale while group behaviour refers usually to people in one place and having a coordinated behaviors. The members in a group should each be interdependence (depends on other member’s output as well), have social interaction (there should eithe r be verbal or non-verbal communication), have a perception of a group ( agreeing that they are a part of a group) and mush have common in purpose (to achieve the same goal). Working in groups have their advantages, one of them being, having a collective set of ideas. Having many people working on the same work allows the work to get not only your input but also from others in the group. This increases the quality, reliability and validity of the work. Although, problems may arise as well, as individuals have their own behaviors and may not be compatible with other people, and that then will effect the quality of your group work’s output. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the possible errors that can be found in tasks done in groups. In details, the objectives that i want to reach is: 1. to understand how miscommunications can happen in a group among the IIUM students, . to determine whether IIUM students work together when given a group assignment, 3. to understand how time becomes a big constraint when working in groups among the IIUM students. Some terms that may be found in this paper are free-riders, teamwork, miscommunication, and time management. †¢ Free-rider A person that is in a group but not doing any work but still get rewards and benefits from the work done. †¢ Teamwork The collective work that members in a group put in to accomplish the assignment (task/job) that is given to their group. Each one of them gives contribution and work together in harmony in doint the work. Miscommunication When the members are not interacting among each other in doing the work, each are working separately, not knowing the growth of their work and not refereing to one another when one has reached a dead end with their work. †¢ Time management The way that a person manages or allocate their time in doing specific things in terms of whether they are on-time or not. LITERATURE REVIEW Working in groups are complicated because one has to adapt to all behaviors of the group members and if one cannot adapt, problems will start to rise. Some students are used to working alone all the time, therefore they will have difficulties in working in group. They will have to listen to other’s ideas, accept them, know how to interact and so much more. Like what Whatley (2009) said, without experience in group working, it will be hard for students to overcome the problems of working in group in which it will show in the quality output of your group’s work. Although, these students may not have the experience, their group members whom might have some (experience), may teach them or can lead the group knowing what and how to do it. This is the best part of working in groups, the students get to learn from one another. Leaning on one another in the group allows issues to be solved that arises from group work, the students should together come up with some basic rules that each should agree on and follow. If problems are left unsolved or undealt with, it may either grow bigger causing more and more problem but if lucky it would just go away. In either way, the members will be affected as they will feel some tension going around and might not perform as well as they could have. It is possible to go through the motion of a team project exercise and still not learn fundamental lessons about the essence of working in teams, ranging from communication skill to the ability to motivate others (Wolfe, Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). In the study of Dunne and Rawlins (2000), Hansen (2006) and Prichard, Stratford, & Bizo (2006) taken by Whatley (2009), it is known that a team project in higher level of education can provide a safe environment for learning about group working, with the help of guidance as a base for them to work on. Ford & Morice (2003), suggests that a micro management strategy should be opted in group assignments that would teach the students about how to act in when in group so that they can prepare themselves for when they enter the workforce. From Chang (1999), in the study, it was found that most students participated well and put effort in the group because they will be assessed by their fellow group members. Therefore, in the ground rules, assessment should be included, too, as Chang (1999) study showed how it motivates the student to perform. Running on ground rules, communication should be highlighted and stressed on it’s importance when working in group. In cases of free-riders or not distributing equal work among the group members, they should voice out and let other members know how you feel about it and how unfair it is for that to happen. They need to communicate amongst themselves and take part in doing the work. Whether the communications are done in all direction, horizontally or vertically, what is important is that it should be clearly communicated and spoken in language and terms that is able to be understood. Not only should communication be put in the ground rule but also the importance of time management. Therefore, as Whatley (2009) said, to ensure trust in the group, they (the group members) should agree on some ground rules and follow them. From Whatley (2009) again, she had mentioned that in gaining consensus among all the group members, a group must have some face-to-face meeting as well as having selecting some ground rules in order to have a clear and ambiguous communication in the group. â€Å"Conflict involves negotiation, whether it resulted in a Win-Lose or a Win-Win outcome. Naturally a Win-Win outcome is preferred. † (Chang, 1999) Free-rider is a serious problem in group work. Students who do not contribute effort and input will effect the other members emotionally, though, most times they do not show. It is very unfortunate that the student still have the decency of wanting their name to be included on submited work. It is all too possible to for students to let others do the heavy lifting of a team project, and yet reap the benefits of the eventual outcome (Wolfe, Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). It is possible for high levels of individual accomplishment to go unrewarded, or even punished, as a result of the factors beyong their control (Wolfe, Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). Yes, tonnes and tonnes of problems may arise from group work, but it offers some beneficial rewards also. For example, one get to share it’s ideas among the othe groupmates and in turn gets some ideas or feedbacks back from their groupmates. Futhermore, doing work in group eases the workload one has to do if is working alone. In groups, tasks are divided among all members and each are given own responsibilies in the group. From Ford & Morice (2003) findings, they found that even though students frequently encounter problems working in group but they would still prefer to work in group rather than individually. This shows that, eventhough they had problems but having the knowledge and ideas being shared in groups are more important that it can scratch out the negative side of group work to them. After conducting a statistical analysis on the test scores, it was found that students who participated in collaborative learning had performed significantly better on the critical- thinking test than students who studied individually (Gokhale, 1995). RESEARCH METHODOLGY This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is to investigate to investigate the possible errors that can be found in tasks done in groups. To evaluate and assess the student of IIUM, 20 students were selected randomly. Data for the research were collected through questionnaire. This research uses only the quantitative research methodology. The instrument used to collect the data was questionnaire. A set of questionnaire containing 18 questions are divided into 4 sections was newly developed. Different question types, such as, ranking, yes-no, and open-ended were used in the questionnaire. The different sections of the questionnaire were: i) Background , ii) Communication , iii) Team work iv) Time management. The respondents of the study were the undergraduate students of IIUM from different kulliyyahs. On 3rd December 2011, a total of 20 questionnaires were distributed to IIUM students at different kulliyyahs and all questionnaire was returned. Of these number, 11 were male and the rest, 9, were female. No approval was needed in handing out the questionnaires in IIUM. During the actual study, questionnaire were distributed at various locations on campus, such as Economics Cafe’, KENMS, mahallah, HS kulliyyah and etc. Data were entered into the computer and analyzed using excel. Results were presented through frequency counts and other descriptive statistics. FINDINGS From the data collected, 11 of the respondents were male and nine of them were female, in which there were five of them who were 20 years old, two were 21 years old, seven respondents were 22 years old, two respondents were 23 years old and four of them were 24 years old. Most of the respondents are Malaysian, totaling to seven of them and the rest were Singaporean (four), Kyrgyz (three), Vietnamese (three), Indonesian (two) and Siamese (one). Most of the respondents were from Kulliyyah of Economics (six), one were from Kulliyyah of IRK, one from Architecture, one from Law, another one from Education, four being from HS, two were engineering students and the remaining four were from Kulliyyah of ICT. In which four of the respondents were first year students, another four were in their second year, seven being a third year student and five were in the fourth year of studying in IIUM. Figure 1: Student’s thought on group works [pic] Figure 1 shows the percentage of rankings on what students of IIUM think about group works, whether they like it or they prefer to work individually. As seen in the figure above, only 10% did not like working in groups whereas 25% said it was less preferred. 25% ranked them to be neutral on the issue, while another 25% and 15% of the respondents saying it is preferable and most preferable to work in groups, consequtively. Figure 2: Student’s preferred communication method [pic] Table 1: Communication method ranking |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 | |Call |0 |0 |3 |8 |9 | |Text |0 |0 |2 |5 |13 | |Email/Chatroom |13 |4 |2 |1 |0 | |Meet |7 |7 |6 |0 |0 | | | | | | | | Although, from Figure 2 and Table 1, the respondents showed otherwise. In Figure 2, comparison between the ‘Most prefered’ and ‘Not prefered’ ranks on the communication method is shown just to have clearer view of those who prefered to work in group and those who do not. The data in the table shows the whole data gathered on about how they really communicate with their groupmates. Figure 3 below shows the percentage on the students’ opinion to why miscommunication happens among their group members, in which most of them said because of misunderstanding, that is misinterpreting what one another is saying. 0% of them said because of language barrier (having hard time to commute in mutual language), 20% said it is because there are lack of meetings and the remaining 15% ticked ‘Others’. Those who ticked ‘Others’ said that because they are not able to accept other’s ideas and views. Figure 3 [pic] Figure 4: Experience with free-riders [pic] Figure 4 is for the section on teamwork. In which this figure shows the number of respondents having experience to grouping with a free-rider. As shown, 11 of them said they have and the rest never had. Apart from that, 35% of the respondents said yes that al l their members assigned the tasks equally, 10% does not and the highest percentage (55%) said only in some of their groups gives equal work and their other group does not. Refering to the questionnaire, Question 13 is similar to question 12, this is to make sure that there is reliability in the respondents’ answers, and there is. Basically, for those who answered that ‘only some of their group give out equal tasks’ (55% being 11 in number) said they were given extra tasks. These datas charts can be refered to in the appendix as Figure 7 and 8. Figure 5: Reason for finishing work late [pic] For the time management section, 15 of the respondents said yes it does take a long time for them to finish only their part. Interpreting that into percentage, 75% said yes (can be refered to Figure 9 in the appendix). Figure 5 above are data from those 75% that answered yes to taking a long period to finish own part, those who answered yes only answer this question. Therefore, seven of them said they are busy with other assignments, five says because the assignment is complicated therefore they need longer time and another three said they are just lazy to do their part earlier. Figure 6: Reasons for late to meetings [pic] In Figure 6, not all 20 respondents are being analyzed on, only thos who answered yes in showing up on-time to group meetings are being analyzed, that is 60%, the other 40% does not come on-time. For a better picture, this data is graphed into Figure 10 in the appendix. Moving on, most of these respondents said they come late because they are busy with other things, four of them said they do not like to be on-time, another four said things always comes up during those times and five of them do nont normally check the time therefore it is either their luck that they came on-time or not. Apart from asking about the respondents coming on-time, from the collected data none of the respondents’ other groupmates comes early to all meetings, but 7 said their group came early to most meetings, ten said their members came early to some of the meetings and the remaining three said none of them ever came early. DISCUSSION Under the communication part, it can be seen that with 20% respondents saying lack of meetings leads to miscommunication and not almost but all respondents agreed that the best communication method would be meetings. With that, looking at what they answered for the rest of communication part’s question, knowingly that face-to-face meetings are crucial, most of them only communicate through emails and chatrooms leaving with only seven respondents who actually is walking the talk (doing the meetings). This is supported by Whatley (2009), she had mentioned that in gaining consensus among all the group members, a group must have some face-to-face meeting as well as having selecting some ground rules in order to have a clear and ambiguous communication in the group. Miscommunication happens when they meet less, have language barrier, misunderstand one another, and being unable to accept what others have to say. These seven respondents sees the importance of ‘teamwork’ in accomplishing group works, therefore, they have them. From the analysis, the IIUM students have the awareness on the importance of having quality communication but somehow they are lazy in actually doing the things that would increase their communication’s quality. By having this meet-ups, all miscommunication can be overcome, even with language barrier, (if and only if the group members do not keep quiet about how they feel and what problems they ecounter with the group or task being assigned) when they have meet-ups and talk out their problems, and making sure each and every members understands the task they are being assigned. One of this paper’s research objective is to determine whether the IIUM students work together in their group, the obvious data that is graphed into Figure 8, shows that 55% of the respondents had been given extra tasks. From the datas gathered it can be seen that there are still those who free-rides on group assignment. Up to 11 respondents have had free-riders as their group member and all of the respondents said their group members would care if there was a free-rider in the group. Free-riders do not do any work, therefore when a free-rider exist in a group, tasks are not being allocated equally among all members as some of them have to do the task that was assigned to the free-rider. Proving this by the 55% of respondents saying yes that in some groups only that tasks were being distributed equally, other way of looking at it is that some does not distribute equally and another 10% said none of their group ever equally distribute them. Obviously, all members would not know that there is a free-rider until reaching to the compilation date, in which the free-rider do not have any work to send and would be giving excuses for it instead of doing it, and those members who care so much for the assignment would be doing the free-rider’s part of the work. Here are some statements to prove this. It is all too possible for students to let others do the heavy lifting of a team project, and yet reap the benefits of the eventual outcome (Wolfe, Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). It is possible for high levels of individual accomplishment to go unrewarded, or even punished, as a result of the factors beyond their control (Student Attitudes toward Team Projects). Looking at the time management aspect of the IIUM students, they are very undisciplined in finishing and submiting their part to other member, with a 75% of the respondents says they are usually late. Making their reasons to be because they are busy with other things, the assignment is complicated, and some even said they are just too lazy to get it done early. These students with this mentality (lazy to get assignment done early) are bad to be having in a group because they like to do things at the very last minute and with constraint in time, quality of work production would definitly not reach the standard. Although, in terms of being on-time at meetings, these respondents showed otherwise. Majority of them are on-time meaning that they do have time management under control. In some aspects the IIUM students are good with time management and in some they are bad. As proven by Chang (1999), in her study, she found that most students participated well and put effort in the group because they will be assessed by their fellow group members. In the peer assessment form, how each member manages their time in coming to meetings or submiting work on-time, should be included as this will motivate the students to manage their time better. CONCLUSION This study investigates the posible errors that are found in group work. It includes a bit on the importance of teamwork, how to overcome the issues and why the issues rise in the first place. The objectives of this study is to understand how miscommunications can happen in a group among the IIUM students, to determine whether IIUM students work together when given a group assignment, to understand how time becomes a big constraint when working in groups among the IIUM students. In overall, the findings shown that the IIUM students know the importance of group work, how to eliminate problems and so on so forth but they still do not do the things that will cut out problems. Like in time management, the respondents know that that should be one of the things to be disciplined on but still they do not submit or come on-time due to valid reasons or simply because they are lazy. All the communication, team work and time management are crucial issues that are linked to each other in a certain way. The IIUM students have to overcome the miscommunication problems because when working real jobs later, it is crucial to have a smooth flow of communication amongst all members, because work cannot be completed with quality without communication. Therefore, these students have to start training themselves from now so that it would not affect them later in working life. Without communication, there would be no team work. Without teamwork, tasks are harder to be accomplised bacause the reason they are being given to work in groups because it would create a better work outcome having variety of ideas coming from each members and that it would quicken up the complition time of the assignment because tasks are divided. Therefore, serious actions should be taken on free-riders because they create dissatisfaction among all the other members in which will lead to stress and tension among the members. Some ideas on how to iradicate some of the group work problems as were shown in Chang (1999), in which peer assessments were done on each group members, in which they have to be honest and truthful about each comment. As for the limitations that were encountered in finishing this research, in which there were not many, searching for articles and journals to do reviews on was a bit of a fuss. To find the ones that are compatible and having some point being similar to this research was difficult, although successfully, some was found. APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE The data to be collected will be used for academic purposes under the subject LE 4000, strictly. Background 1. Gender:( ) Male( ) Female 2. Age:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3. Nationality:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4. Kulliyyah:( ) Economics ( ) IRK( ) HS( ) Architecture ( ) Engineering( ) ICT( ) Law( ) Education 5. Level of study:1/2/3/4 Communication For Q6 & Q7, rank them with these; 5 = most prefered, 4 = prefered, 3 = neutral, 2 = less prefered, 1 = not prefered 6. With you working in groups are:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7. Your communication method:( ) Call( ) Text( ) Email/Chatroom( ) Meet 8. Which do you think is the best communication method? (Among the methods given in Q8) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9. In your opinion, why miscommunication happen? ( ) Lack of meeting( ) Language barrier( ) misunderstanding( ) Others Specify others: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Team work 10. Have you had any free-rider as a groupmate? ( ) Yes( ) No 11. Does your other groupmates care that there is a free-rider/s in the group? ( ) Yes( ) No 12. Do you and your groups equally distribute the work? ( ) Yes( ) No( ) In some groups, yes 13. Have you ever been given extra task to do in the group? ) Yes( ) No Time management 14. Does it take a long time to finish your part of your group assignment? ( ) Yes( ) No 15. If you answered ‘Yes’ to Q15, why so: ( ) Busy with other assignment( ) Complicated assignment ( ) Too lazy to get it done early 16. Are you always on-time for your group me etings? ( ) Yes( ) No 17. If you answered ‘No’, why so: ( ) Don’t keep track of time( ) Busy with other things ( )Things always come up( ) Don’t like to come early 18. How many of your groupmates usually come on-time to group meetings? ( ) All( ) Most( ) Some( ) None Thank you for your time. Figure 7: Equal work distribution pic] Figure 8: Extra task given [pic] Figure 9: Needs long time to complete task [pic] Figure 10: On-time to meetings [pic] REFERENCES Whatley, J. (2009). Ground Rules in Team Projects: Findings from a Prototype System to Support Student. Journal of Information Technology Education, 8, 161-176. Ford, M. & Morice, J. (2003). How Fair are Group Assignments? A Survey of Students and Faculty and a Modest Proposal. Journal of Information Technology Education, 2, 367-378. Gokhale, A. A. (1995). Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking. Journal of Technology Education, 7(1). Chang, V. (1999). How can conflict within a group be manage d? In K. Martin, N. Stanley and N. Davison (Eds),  Teaching in the Disciplines/ Learning in Context, 59-66. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Teaching Learning Forum, The University of Western Australia, February 1999. Wolfe A. M. (n. d. ). Student Attitudes toward Team Projects. Organizational Behavior. http://www. ilr. cornell. edu/library/research/subjectguides/organizationalbehavior. html Group Behavior. Wikipedia. 10 November 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Group_behaviour Nishan Wimalachandra. Organizational Behavior. www. nishanw. org Jex, S. M. ,& Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioners Approach. Wiley; 2 Edition.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Health Care Policies in a Hospital Unit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Care Policies in a Hospital Unit - Essay Example This paper will address a required change in billing and retrieving of payment from insurance companies and patients in a hospital unit. In health care, a health policy can be defined as an action that is usually undertaken in order to achieve a certain health care goal within the society (Feldstein, 2011). There are several categories of health policies in the health care system. These policies are usually reviewed in order to improve the services provided through the health care system. The health care policies are aimed at solving or addressing an issue within the health care institutions. Researchers assert that the expenditure in health care is slowly outpacing the GDP in most countries. This paper will employ a possible policy that can address the issue of billing and retrieving of payment from insurance companies and patients in the hospital unit. The creation of a policy usually encompasses three main steps. These steps include the formulation stage, legislative stage and the implementation stage. In the formulation stage, the policies are usually reviewed by professional experts in the medical field. The legislative stage is the most essential phase in the creation of a policy. This is the stage whereby the policy is enacted through the support of the legislators (Feldstein, 2011). Lastly, the implementation stage is the last stage whereby the intervention of the policy is performed. In this case, the predicament lies within the billing department which also deals with retrieving of funds from insurance companies. The payment system in a health care institution deals with processing the payments for the services offered in the health care institution. In order for the health care institutions to address this predicament, they should apply the pay per performance policy. This policy is one of the emerging trends in health insurance (Forman, 2008).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

4 way crossove and ADR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

4 way crossove and ADR - Essay Example The rates paid to the lawyer are also usually high but in a civil case, payment may be made on a contingent fee basis where Bob will pay the lawyer a certain agreed upon percentage of the damages. He has the options of seeking state-provided lawyers who work on a pro-bono basis but this may take a long time for his case to be heard. The decision of the plant shop owners will be determined by Bob’s decision. If Bob decides to press charges and go to court, then the shop owners will have no alternative but to seek the services of a lawyer as well, but if Bob wants an out of court settlement, then the plant shop owners and Bob can chose and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which may involve a lawyer (s) or not. This is a pre-trial process where one party obtains evidence of what the other party has concerning a case. It can be done using several ways like depositions or interrogations and in the presence of lawyers. This can lead to avoid necessary court processes and the case can be resolved by the parties after the discovery. There can be production of documents or things like cameras (if any) showing evidence of the fall, the witnesses can be subpoenaed with requests to admit or deny the fall happening and Bob getting injured and also depositions where Bob can under oath affirm the plant shop incident. The different forms of discovery mentioned above are significant if evidence of the fall and the injury is to be found and be strong enough to warrant payment to Bob. Production of documents provides physical evidence, subpoenas also provides eye-witness evidence which is necessary to back Bob’s claims or refute them and finally depositions just like court testimony will ensure Bob is not lying when he tells the account of what happened and how much he used in hospital or the emotional pain he has undergone as a result of the fall. Yes. As mentioned above, the witnesses can be subpoenaed (which is a writ

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice Essay

Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice - Essay Example These guidelines were designed to provide transportation agencies and Road Safety Audit teams with a enhanced understanding of the safety of bicycle cyclists in the context of the cycling environment. These guidelines were also planned to nurture a secure environment for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians while using the road. The Bicycle safety Guidelines are cyclist specific guides that present road users personnel with safety elements they should consider when using the road. Even though the writers have exhausted every resource to be comprehensive as they could, people using these guidelines should keep in mind that conditions fluctuate from place to place and extra precautions should be learned that may not be handled in this documented. Not every recommendation in these guidelines is applicable in each situation. Transport in NSW will work with key stakeholders such as Bicycle NSW, the Amy Gillett Foundation, and Cycling NSW on the development of policies and programs that will be accepted within the cycling community. At the same time, Transport in NSW will work with other road user groups to ensure broader acceptance across the wider community. The NSW Government will work with Local Councils to ensure the road environment where cycling occurs is designed and managed using a safer systems approach. This article was based on bicycle crash statistics; which provide trends and an overview of the need to provide more cyclist friendly environment on the highway and streets. Moreover a comprehensive qualitative research was done to identify the major problems that contribute to laxity in bicycle safety. A random sampling study was done where 4,388 families comprising 11,753 people were arbitrarily picked out. The study brought out that a major contributor to bicycle accidents were from hits by motorists. The survey discovered that either the bicyclist does not pick up the oncoming

4 journal questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

4 journal questions - Essay Example When children go to school they acquire civic development. The school also plays the role of emotional development to the children. The school plays the role of cognitive, vocational and social development to the children. In the recent, the role of school has been changing as the parents take their children to school at early age. Parents take their children to school at early age in for the purpose of being taken care. Parents who go to work decide to take their children to school instead of employing house help to take care of them. School also plays the role of career development as children are told to study hard in order to get a good job (Clark 71). Economic, gender, culture and learning style factors helps the students to succeed in different ways while at school. Economics helps students to develop management skills. Economics enables students to understand how they can manage their fund and budget their income in future. Gender helps the student to develop social skill. Gender interaction makes the students to be more social and know how to interact with people despite their gender. Culture helps the students to develop interaction skills and socialization. Students learn different culture and how to interact with people from different cultural back ground and ethnic groups. Learning styles helps the student to be critical thinkers. Through the use is different learning styles, students become critical thinkers (Clark 64). Parents expect their children to learn new concepts and ideas in school. Parents expect the students to be in the hands of effective and committed staff who can not expose the children to drugs, harassment and bullying. Students also expect their children to learn democratic values of multicultural and also the society culture. Parents also expect their children to develop social competencies in school. Parents are left home believing that children learn positive things and not negative things like alcoholism and

Friday, July 26, 2019

National versus Military Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

National versus Military Intelligence - Essay Example Intelligence used by the government therefore must be a community effort and the community has the responsibility of providing the required information to enhance the success of the intelligence. Since September 2001, there has been an increased need for improving the levels of intelligence and sharing of information. Police had a significant role in the study of national and military intelligence but this was curtailed when it was discovered that the police were in some way involved in abuses such as opposing the governmental operations. Information sharing is however an important aspect in intelligence whether national or military (George &Bruce, 2008). National intelligence is an integration of various departments of intelligence in a country that aims at covering the broader aspects of national policy and national the security of the entire nation. It is concerned with various departments and is more competitive than any intelligence department can be. National intelligence therefore is a complex body made up of various intelligence units and it aims at maintaining security of the entire nation. Various defense departments also constitute this body and together, they ensure the national security. National intelligence services ensure that using various departments and units, it detects any likely terrorist activity that is planned against the country. It does this by collecting and conducting an analysis on information in with regard to any possible terrorist activity. National intelligence acts as a program that establishes a counterterrorism centre for coordinating across every departmental line and serves as the primary execut ive branch organization for strategically planning of operations that are suitable for countering terrorism. It addresses efforts that are aimed at establishing tight national border controls as well as increasing the security in transportation against the terrorist activities. Military defense

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Certifications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Certifications - Research Paper Example Certify by the International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), ITCP confirmation is globally perceived as an indication of expert greatness. For IT experts, I.S.P. status furnishes customers and managers with trusted confirmation of an IT proficient learning and specialized foundation. I.S.P. standing has been allowed in Canada since 1989, and is enacted as an automatic assignment in six provinces*, with different territories progressing in the direction of comparable enactment. CIPS was structured in 1958. At the time, people who had an enthusiasm for IT could join CIPS as a Member. This kind of general participation in CIPS is still accessible today and gives various profits. Enrollment in CIPS is a prerequisite to hold CIPS proficient assignments. In the late 1980s, CIPS, alongside numerous other worldwide IT affiliations, perceived the need to build a full grown calling. The CIPS Certification Program was presented in 1988 with the dispatch of the preprofessional Candidate Member and the expert Information Systems Professional (I.S.P.) assignment. As is normal in many callings, there is a sensibly standard and bland course to the expert capability and the Candidate Member is the first step on the way to expert differentiation. Hopeful Members have finished an important training project, however have not yet aggregated the expert experience prerequisites. The benchmark for the I.S.P. is a four-year four year certification in Computer Science in addition to two years of expert experience or equal. This benchmark is identified with the CIPS Body of Knowledge (BOK) which characterizes the base satisfactory expert level of information and skill, joining both expansiveness and profundity. Authority of the BOK grants differing degrees of learning of and competency of the parts of the BOK, gave general dominance is kept up. This

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Elevator pitch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Elevator pitch - Essay Example The government will profit when the Americans spend more money in the country. Everything comes down to creating employment and employment can be created should the government support small scale industries. Small scale industries are more than capable of creating a plethora of jobs. This is how one initiative by the government can change the fortune of the nation. The economy of America is yet to recover from the recent setbacks, it is important for it to recover only then will more jobs be created and more Americans will get employed. Structural troubles are haunting the economy, the housing trouble for instance which was also the main reason for the recent recession impacted the economy of America severely. Americans who had borrowed money to buy houses failed to return that money to the banks as a result of which there was very little liquidity and the economy was greatly affected. â€Å"Uncertainty is natural, of course. The future is always uncertain. But there is good uncertainty and bad uncertainty, much as there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good uncertainty, for example, presents opportunities for profit. Bad uncertainty arises largely when investors and entrepreneurs have very real questions about the consequences of government policy.† (Promoting Job Creation) To conclude it is very fair to say that the government has to take initiatives and create jobs for the unemployed Americans and this will only happen when the economy of America recovers from the recent setbacks. Hopefully it will happen soon and the unemployment rate will be under control once

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Medicare Approved Accreditation Agency Research Paper - 1

Medicare Approved Accreditation Agency - Research Paper Example When a healthcare organization has met the set standards of a government agency, it referred to as certification while on the other hand if the healthcare organization has met the set standards and processes of a non-governmental agency then it is referred as accreditation (Ellis & Hartley, 2004). Healthcare companies such as pharmacies, clinics and hospitals they are required to be approved by specific organizations for them to be eligible to receive third party payment. This paper examines the roles of one Medicare approved accreditation agency and further describes the regulations and standards of care that are associated with pharmacy practice. The centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that Medicare beneficiaries have access to medical equipment that are of high quality, right price and that they receive high quality service from the suppliers of medical equipment. In order to achieve the above mandate, CMS has the right to chose national accreditation organizations that in turn accredit healthcare organizations and agencies (Ellis & Hartley, 2004). The accreditation organization that is discussed in this paper is the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has also approved National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations (NIAHO) as the new hospital accreditation option. NIAHO offer quality management system for healthcare organizations, medical staff and administrative officials and further ensures that healthcare organizations comply and achieve the standards. The accreditation standard for NIAHO is the ISO 9001:2000 and it provides options for healthcare organizations to adhere conform and comply with the Medicare conditions of participation (NIAHO, 2012). Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) offers accreditation to hospitals, nursing homes,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nazis and Woodchucks Essay Example for Free

Nazis and Woodchucks Essay Nazi racial ideology has baffled the cultured mind since the atrocities were first made known to the world with the end of WWII. Though the inconceivable horror Jews and other nationalities endured under Nazi reign is common knowledge in our culture and is found in almost any modern history textbook, the mindset that made such atrocities acceptable to Nazis under Hitler’s regime remains a mystery to many. Maxine Kumin admirably conveys the thought process behind this oppressive outlook through the seemingly simplistic poem â€Å"Woodchucks†. The purpose of the poem is to align the readers with the narrator’s apparently reasonable yet somewhat sociopathic view of the woodchucks as an inferior life form while building an allegory to the Nazi’s justification for mass extermination that will shock the audience when made explicit by the poem’s end. In the first stanza, Maxine introduces the narrator’s problem with the woodchucks and how she justifies attempting to gas them. The narrator states how killing the woodchucks with gas â€Å"didn’t turn out right† (1). This phrase emphasizes how the narrator views killing the woodchucks as a mundane and emotionless task, the same way a batch of cookies or pot of coffee may not â€Å"turn out right†. Gassing has connotations of a slow agonizing death, but the poem continues: â€Å"the knockout bomb from the Feed and Grain Exchange / was featured as merciful, quick at the bone† (2-3). This contrast in connotation and given definition is meant to show how the narrator is striving to justify their deaths. The second stanza begins to make the narrator’s view of the woodchucks as lesser clearer to the audience. Maxine uses alliteration to draw attention to the words cyanide, cigarettes and state-store Scotch when the narrator states the woodchucks are â€Å"No worse / for the cyanide than we for our cigarettes† (7-8). In this comparison, the narrator gives the impression that she considers gassing the woodchucks a favor to them, like giving them scotch or cigarettes. While it is not explicit in the poem by the second stanza, this metaphor hints at the narrator’s unbalanced views of life regarding the woodchucks. Maxine also introduces war imagery in this stanza. The narrator describes how the woodchucks â€Å"took over† the vegetables by â€Å"nipping† and â€Å"beheading† (11-12). These verbs not only personify the vegetables as victims, but turn woodchucks into a force of evil in a war-like manner in the narrator’s mind. It is important to note that the narrator never addresses the woodchucks’ need to eat and survive and only views it as an unjustified invasion. This mindset closely aligns with the anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust. The narrator treats the woodchucks with no right to the garden the same way that â€Å"Jews still carried the burden of proof that they simply had the right to be there† (Hartmann 636). By the third stanza, the Maxine solidifies the narrator’s hatred and blood thirst towards the woodchucks, using a Nazi related scapegoat excuse to rationalize killing them. â€Å"The food from our mouths† (13) starts the stanza; a sentence fragment most likely muttered bitterly by the narrator that fortifies the idea that woodchucks are not simply invading and eating food, but stealing food from the narrator. To the narrator, the woodchucks become the scapegoat for the garden’s ruin the same way the Jews were used to â€Å"blame for the economic collapse of Germany† (Foster 13). However, Maxine also undertones the narrator’s scapegoat claim as unsubstantial and exaggerated. In a vegetable patch containing numerous vegetable types, a small family of woodchucks is unlikely to be as deadly of a threat as the narrator makes it out to be. Similarly, â€Å"The Nazi claim that Germany was being ‘Judaized’ can hardly be substantiated† as Germany’s Jewish inhabitants in 1933 made up a mere â€Å".80 percent of the total population† (Foster 15). The third stanza also starts to unearth the poem’s greater implications towards Nazi ideology with the line â€Å"puffed with Darwinian pieties for killing† (16). The â€Å"Darwinian† aspect is an outstanding piece of the third stanza because it applies a fairly exclusive human social concept to the killing of woodchucks. This is directly related to the Nazi’s ideology which had â€Å"evolved over the previous 80 years from the related notions of eugenics and Social Darwinism† (Erdos 6), but Maxine has not made this relation entirely explicit yet. With the last two stanzas, the narrator degrades the death of the woodchucks. Rather than describe it in detail, the woodchucks â€Å"died down† (18). The evasive language hides any aspects of horror in the killing and gives the deaths a cartoonish aspect when the mother â€Å"dropped† and â€Å"flip-flopped† (19-20). The narrator even portrays their deaths in an eerie sing-song tone when â€Å"O one-two-three / the murderer inside me rose up hard† (22-23). This is linked to the way Holocaust victims were killed systematically (one-two-three) and their bodies were piled up for disposal. The language describing death in the poem and the way killing was carried out in Nazi concentration camps are connected in the way both were dehumanized. The fourth stanza also has a tone shift when the narrator explains â€Å"the murderer inside me rose up hard. / the hawkeye killer came on stage forthwith† (23-24). This part of the poem shifts the tone from the woodchucks as aggressors to the narrator becoming the aggressor. The indirect yet clear tone change indicates that the poem is now less related to the Nazi’s perspective, but the modern view of Nazis as the invaders. The last stanza in this poem brings an ultimate shock to the audience by directly referencing the Nazis in the ending line: â€Å"If only they’d all consented to die unseen / gassed underground the quiet Nazi way† (29-30). Any slight relations to Nazi ideology throughout the poem are now highlighted by this last line. At this point the readers have been carried through an unsteadily reasonable rant by the narrator of the woodchucks as a lesser life form, and then slammed into the allusion to the Nazi’s killings. The entire poem, even the spread-out rhyme scheme, threads into this central idea accented in the last line. Maxine, through the language and design of the poem â€Å"Woodchucks†, ultimately presented how frightening ideology similar to the Nazis is not as uncommon on a small scale as one may think. Works Cited Erdos, E. G. Regarding German Science and Racismroots of the Nazi Holocaust The FASEB Journal 22.6 (2008): 1623. Print. Foster, C. R. Historical Antecedents: Why the Holocaust? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 450.1 (1980): 1-19. Print. Hartmann, Dieter D. Anti-Semitism and the Appeal of Nazism. Political Psychology 5.4 (1994): 635-42. Print.

Human Rights and Development Essay Example for Free

Human Rights and Development Essay Introduction The endless efforts by human beings in formulating perception to respect human dignity resulted the human rights discourse and so was case of development. The inherent intensity of searching ‘better’ for human being to respect the human dignity paves the way for new development concept by integrating human rights norms into development, and thereby making a paradigm shift from other development models. The transition from focusing on material to focusing on human in development reflects the deepening of people understanding about the relations between human rights and development. However, armed conflicts within and beyond the national boundaries have been seriously violating human rights and hampering development process. War around the globe had and still has the same result. People around the globe are reshuffling their thinking on development models to ensure human rights thereby getting a peaceful environment free from war and conflicts. The aim of this paper is to explore the negative relation, if any, between armed conflicts, war and human rights and development assuming as a development model. Linking human rights with development as a development model Human rights are those rights without which a human being cannot live as human being. These rights are indispensable and inviolable, no one is supposed to take away these rights from any individual or groups. These rights are so basic and fundamental that any man or woman gets that from his or her birth and which are founded on human dignity. On the other hand, Development has now become an inter-disciplinary subject or it can be attributed to different political or ideological viewpoints. Development is as much a prerogative of nations as of individuals within nations. Development as comprehensively would be meant†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"is a comprehensive economic, social, cultural and political process, which aims at the constant improvement of the well-being of the entire population and of all individuals on the basis of their active, free, and meaningful participation in development and in fair distribution of benefits resulting therefrom.† Human rights and development an integrated approach of development as comparatively a new development model generally known as ‘Rights based approach’. â€Å"A rights-based approach is a conceptual framework for the process of human development that is normatively based on international human rights standards and operationally directed to promoting and protecting human rights. The right-based approach integrates the norms, standards and principles of international human rights system into the plans, policies and processes of development.† Linking human rights with peace as antithesis of conflicts and war Journey towards protecting rights of the people and ensuring peace in this globe had an immemorial history. It was so strongly perceived and advocated from the World War I and during and after World War II, which resulted the concept of human rights as it understood today. Perhaps, it was President Wilson of U.S.A. who advocated for rights of the minority as global protection at Peace Conference in Versailles (1919). During World War II world had witnessed the massive violation of human rights and denial of peace. Consequently, international legal and political leaders committed to show respect human rights and to stop wars and conflicts which paved the way for establishing UN as global organization. â€Å"We the peoples of the United Nations determined†¦to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our life time has brought untold sorrow to mankind.† Human beings are in position from where they want to respect the dignity and to avoid the barbarous acts of conflicts and wars by proper understanding and realizing these rights. â€Å"whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind.† But after acknowledging the human rights and making commitments through UN, does the world avoid conflicts and war that violate human rights. The answer would certainly be negative though there was no world war since 1946 to onwards. But the world is witnessed of massive human rights violation in Sudan, Congo, Ruanda, Iraq, Afghanistan and different parts of the world. These in the long run violate the human rights. War, conflicts external or internal and unrest are threat to peace and security everywhere which are the conditions precedent for realizing human rights. Thus, war is the antithesis of human rights and vice- versa. â€Å"It is widely believed that the denial of human rights is not only an individual and personal tragedy as it also creates conditions of social and political unrest, sowing the seeds of violence and conflict within and between the societies and nations.† Thus, there is a close relation in observance of human rights and maintenance of peace or vice versa. The Declaration of Principle of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among the states in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, which was adopted by the UNGA in resolution 2625(XXV) of 24 October 1970, that postulates â€Å"maintaining and strengthening international peace founded upon freedom, justice and respect for human rights.† Respect, promotion and protection of human rights helps to reduce the conflicts, internal or external and thereby avoiding the war, because by respecting fundamental human rights no civilized nations can support and go for war. Linking development with peace as antithesis of conflicts and war In the context of 21st century, the concept of development has been drastically changed. Now development is perceived in much broader sense than that of previous. Notion of development equating with commodity or economic growth has been changed and now development is perceived as human development, meaning â€Å"the process of enlarging people’s choices.† Thus, there is a close relation between development and peace. An underdeveloped environment is not generally accepted that peace shall be prevailing. For this, to establish such environment, commitments are reflected in UN charter establishing conditions under which justice, respect to international law, to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, ensuring economic and social development for all would be prevailed. Peaceful environment is very much conducive for development and vice versa, Almost 20 years after the cold war our world is becoming less safe, industrialized countries are facing human insecurity by terrorism. Conflicts by internal groups are also visible in different developing and least developing countries. The world both developed and under-developed is suffering the common problem of insecurity which exposed by among the reasons †¦deprivation, violation of human rights and less development approach by the rulers. Insecurity linked to armed conflict remains one of the greatest obstacles to realize human rights and development. â€Å"Every civilian death linked to conflict is a violation of human rights.† The human security which is the essence of human rights and development has got larger attention across the globe in this era of globalization. The state centric security now turns into the human centric security. Promotion of security helps to ensure the development as well as human rights, and insecurity expose to unrest and under-development and massive violation of human rights. â€Å"Humanity cannot enjoy security without development or development without security, and neither without respect for human rights.† Human being can achieve complete fulfillment of its aspirations only within the just social order. For the stable, peaceful, non-violent environment are preconditions which are more often disturbed by the war and conflicts. â€Å"†¦international peace and security on the one hand, and social progress and economic development on the other, are closely interdependent and influence each other.† Furthermore, there is very close relationship between disarmament which exposes peace as well as development and also prevents armed conflicts and war. â€Å"†¦ [T]here is a close relationship between disarmament and development and that progress in the field of disarmament would considerably promote progress in the field of development.† The costs of wars and conflicts often are not clear to the world community, it just not the violating human rights at once but making many human persons disables for the long time which is contrary to the concept of development. â€Å"Violent conflicts claims lives not just through bullets but through the erosion of human security more broadly.† Armed conflicts and wars all over the world displaced many people which is ultimately a violation of human rights and also a serious impediment of development. â€Å"About 25 million people are internally displaced because of conflicts or human rights violations.† However, some developed nations go for war for resources but ultimately their development doesn’t become as sustainable one. Their internal development get interrupted by drugs, alcoholism, joblessness, economic unrest thereby produce instability, recent USA’s movement of ‘we are 99%’ the occupier of world street and UK’s unrest are glaring examples of non-sustainability of their development. Conclusion Human rights and development share some commonalities, for that reason they have justification to be applied in practical field which can be a very pragmatic way to solve problems that we are facing today. Thus, in the light of above discussion, it shall not be less than just to claim that, human rights and development both are the antithesis of armed conflicts and war, and vice-versa. The promotion and protection of formers discourages the latter, and happening of the latter severely violates and hampers the former. Thus, human rights and development are the contradictory to war and the war, armed conflicts are also opposite to the promotion and protection of human rights, and realization sustainable development. In this same point, the both human rights and development could used as to prevent armed conflicts and war. â€Å"In turn without development, long term enjoyment of human rights and development will prove illusory and war, of course is the antithesis of both.† [ 2 ]. The author completed LL.B. LL.M. from University of Dhaka. And currently serving as Lecturer, Department of Law. Green University of Bangladesh. [ 3 ]. Preamble, Para-2, Declaration on the Right to Development, 1986, adopted by UNGA. [ 4 ]. Robinson, Mary, A voice for human rights, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, p.303. [ 5 ]. Preamble, The UN charter.1945. [ 6 ]. Ibid. [ 7 ]. Bari, Dr.M.Ershadul, Human rights and World peace, The Dhaka University Studies Part-F, Vol.III(1):1-11June 1992,p.2 [ 8 ]. The third preambular paragraph. [ 9 ]. HDR, 1990, UNDP, New York, p. 10. [ 10 ]. Ibid. [ 11 ]. Ibid. [ 12 ]. See for more, Sen, Amartya, Human security now, Commission on human security, New York, 2003, pp. 2- 9. [ 13 ]. Anaan, kofi, Report of the secretary general, UN ,New York,2005,p.6. [ 14 ]. Preamble, Para-6, Declaration on Social Progress and Development,1969,adopted by UNGA. [ 15 ]. Preamble, Declaration on the Right to Development, 1986, adopted by UNGA. [ 16 ]. HDR, 2005, UNDP, New York, p.155. [ 17 ]. Ibid., p.151. [ 18 ]. Annan, Kofi, Official records of the UNGA, forty-seventh session, supplement no-1(A/47/1) para-109.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hyperactivity And Add Attention Deficit Disorder Psychology Essay

Hyperactivity And Add Attention Deficit Disorder Psychology Essay Hyperactivity and A.D.D. Attention Deficit Disorder is a common diagnosed behavioral disorder that begin early in the childhood.Even though considered a childhood disorder once,it is now much more clear that many of the children that has ADHD will continue to have it when become adolescents.While the symptoms decrease as a function of age,impairments like academic,social and family are observed to increase in adolescence.The disorder have unclear biological underpinnings,it is stressfull to live and get over with,and places burden and cost on family,school and society. Although having a varying array of degrees and types,the effects are roughly the same.Struggling while acquiring new relationships and keeping them,having hard time on concentration on tasks makes academic life and career tougher,probable communication problems based on being unable to self expression and facing the sometimes harsh results of acting without thinking. With its causes are variable and not exactly known,they are roughly related with the genetics,environmental effects,extraordinary conditions occuring during the development of brain.Psychological or medical treatments are available,of course,and former of which are usually the first choice while the latter is for more intense cases with heavier symptoms.Other treatments include academic, and behavioral interventions. 1.1: Hyperactivity and A.D.D. is a common seen case at people,starting from childhood.It is not a disease,it is defined as a behavioral disorder by the health experts,while the psychiatrists define it as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. It should be noted that being Hyperactive does not mean being less qualified,insomuch that,considering most hyperactive people have higher IQ rates compared to other people.This means these individuals can be,and are actually as qualified and as intellectually potent as everyone,or even more.The purpose of this report is to analyze the reasons of the causes,symptoms,results and alike conditions that this disorder causes in the individuals lives. In order to examine the subject,it is first needed to be understood the reasons,types,their differences and specialties.Then it must be gone through the results and treatments.In addition,the patients with ADHD will be regarded as hyperactives or hyperactive individuals,during the rest of the report. 1.2: Being considered as a behavioral disorder by the health experts,ADHD is also defined as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. It is a common disorder that starts during childhood,however,it does not only effect children.People of all ages can suffer from it,and backing that up,it is observed that the symptoms of ADHD keeps asserting themselves in the adolescense,too. ADHD makes certain things harder for the one who is bearing it,like making it more difficult to focus on things for a long time without distraction.Patients also struggle controlling what they are doing or saying,and also have harder time on controlling the frequency of their physical activities,compared to somebody without ADHD.To say in other words,hyperactive individuals are more impulsive and restless. Being in close relationship but not to confused with autism,there are other disorders it may be related to.Backing that up,ADHD is also associated with many other conditions including learning disabilities, conduct disorder, anxiety, mood, and substance abuse disorders. States M. Simonescu,from State University of New York. Some other trivial information about ADHD is that it is known and defined in different names by different experts or countries.For example,in North America the term ADD or ADHD is commonly used to express the situation,while in the UK Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD) is the special term.Health experts may use one of the following,in order to specify those with disorder; attention deficit, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hyperkinetic disorder, hyperactivity. 2.1 Types Symptoms There are three diagnosed types of ADHD so far,which are Predominantly Inattentive Type, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type and Combined Type.For any of them to be diagnosed certainly,patient must show at least 6 out of 9 of the symptoms which are specific to the each type: Predominantly Inattentive Type symptoms include: Not paying attention to detail Mistakes due to carelessness Failure to pay and keep attention on task Not listening Unability to follow and understand any instruction Avoiding effort involving tasks To be distracted a lot To forget things a lot Losing objects that are needfull to complete the tasks Hyperactive-Impulsive Type symptoms include: Fidgeting Squirming Getting up often when seated Heavy physical activity (running,climbing) in inappropriate times Having trouble playing or tasking quietly Talking excessively and impatiently Interrupting And as the name may suggest,combined type consists of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms.For a certain diagnosis,symptoms must be observed for a consistent six months,and to a greater degree than other children at the same age. 2.2: Results at Real Life Most people display some of these symptoms and behaviours,but it is not always to a degree where they interfere with their lives significantly.And due to this absence of significance,a diagnosis of ADHD is not precise and appropriate.Some people with ADHD experience considerable difficulties with social and academic skills,such as forming or keeping relationships or keeping proper work and attention during their careers.Moreover,most of the child patients experience rejection and exculsion by their peers,compared to 10-15 percent of the healthy children of the same age.A significant rate of adolescents are observed to have difficulties during the process of non-verbal and verbal communication. 2.3 Causes 2.3.1: Genetics Studies show that,in about 75 percent of the cases,genetics are a factor and the disorder is also highly heritable between ancestral genes or by the gene pool. 2.3.2: Executive Functions Significant amount of symptoms arise from a primary deficit on Executive Functions,which refers to cognitive processes that regulates and controls other cognitive processes.The most obvious examples of it are planning,working memory,attention,inhibition and mental flexibility. 2.3.3:Evolution For more than 1 percent of population,researchers stated that high generality of ADHD may be due to natural selection,probably because the individual traits might be beneficial on their own and only became dysfunctional where these traits combine to form ADHD. 2.3.4:Environment Environmental factors usually contribute a small role to the origins of ADHD.Exposure to tobacco smoke or alcohol intakes during the pregnancy may impair the development of nervous system which can end up with a diagnosis of ADHD.Environmental lead also remains as a valid factor,since former studies at relatively high levels of lead exposure showed that the exposure and low levels of IQ as well as attention problems,other disorders such as autism or hyperactivity. 3 Conclusion As a common case,hyperactivity has many effects on patients who bear it,though it does not pose serious threats or problems for health. It only could make life a little harder,in social and academic senses,but that does not mean that it is completely bad and hard to live with it.Majority of hyperactive individuals are reported and observed to have higher IQ levels and creativeness compared to those who arent.They also think and act differently,making them outstand from the crowd,usually in a good way. Commenting and acting differently when encountered extraordinary situations is mostly applauded by ordinary people,due they can and do come out with extraordinary but appropriate solutions. However,this little disorder can be treated and reduced,even though it can not be completely removed,but then again,since it does not have harmful effects on human health,it is not necessary.But then,having a more stable mind and physical stand and postur emay help individuals get more friends easily,acquire succesful relationships,and most important of all,a more succesful academic life,in senses of education and career. One should not simply stereotype or confuse hyperactive individuals with mental patients.It can be both a bless,and a curse,and it completely depends on the perspective.After all,they are just as human as we are,maybe a little more restless,reckless and impatient.But again,there is nothing wrong with standing out of the crowd,in a good way,and without even trying that hard as the rest of the other people. Referrences (n.d.,Retrieved in 6 May 2013) Richard S. Kingsley,MD What is ADHD ?,Reviewed in July 2012,retrieved in 6 May 2013 John H. Ferguson,MD National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement: Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Conference Held in 16-18 November 1998,Retrieved in 6 May 2013 John H. Ferguson,MD Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry (Volume 39,Issue 2,February 2000, Pages 182-193) Retrieved in 6 May 2013 J.T. Nigg,Oregon Health and Sciences University Lead and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (2011,Encyclopedia of Environmental Health pages 405-411) Retrieved in 7 May 2013 K.M. Antshel,State University of New York Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2012,Encyclopedia of Human Behaviour,2nd Edition,pages 218-223) Retrieved in 7 May 2013 S.V. Faraone,State University of New York Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2012,Encyclopedia of Human Behaviour,2nd Edition,Pages 218-223) Retrieved in 7 May 2013 K.M Antshel,SUNY-Upstate Medical University,Syracusa Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2011,Encyclopedia of Adolescence,pages 56-61) Retrieved in 8 May 2013 R.A Barkley,Medical University of South Carolina Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2011,Encyclopedia of Adolescence,pages 56-61) Retrieved in 8 May 2013 SPECIAL THANKS TO Google Translate NESCAFÉ and MONSTER ENERGY for providing easier sleepless nights.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The movie, The Color Purple, may be verging on one of my favorite movies of all time. When I watch it my eyes are literally glued to the screen. It has made me cry and laugh and love and so many more emotions that I can’t even cry. I was literally so scared of scenes that I jumped off my seat and onto the floor. The movie starts out with a girl who gives birth to her second child. Her stepfather is the father of the child meaning he raped her not only once but twice. She is only fourteen during these years and she is only fourteen when she gets married to a man who remain nameless and he also rapes her and beats her. Throughout the story, you learn from Celie herself who says when talking to her good friend Shug Avery, â€Å"He beats me because I am not you.† (Celie, The Color Purple). He then takes her sister away from her and she does not get to have contact with her sister again for an incredibly long time. However, even though the story starts out so sad it does get better after the Ceile is and adult and she meets Sophia. Sophia is Harpo’s soon to be wife. Harpo is Mr. ‘s son. Harpo and Sophia love each other very much, but they end up drifting apart and then Shug Avery comes into Celie’s life and changes it very much. She teaches Ceile a ton of things and she is the woman who inspires Ceile to stand up for herself. There are three scenes in The Color Purple directed by Stephen Spielberg that are my absolute favorite. In the movie, The Color Purple, Ceile finally is told that she is something special from listening to a song. In this scene, Shug Avery is performing for a crowd at their local bar. After her first song ends, she then tells the crowd what her next song is about. It is dedicated to none other than Mis... ... Celie is enjoying the action and does not want to leave, but has to when Shug pulls her away because things are getting dangerous. Celie gets in one more sneak peek of all the action, but does not see much before she is dragged away again. I do not mean to pick the scenes that were happier than others as my favorites. I did enjoy all of the other deep meaning scenes as well, but it is more difficult to write through tears. Personally, I think a movie about women empowerment is inspiring beyond anything else. Especially a movie where its starts off so sad and the narrator talks with such despair and hopelessness and turns all that into success and happiness by the end. The Color Purple brings out so many emotions in everybody that when watching, you just cannot believe. There is never a boring point in this movie because all of it comes together at the end.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay examples --

II. DIELECTRIC LOADED EXPONENTIALLY TAPERED SLOT ANTENNA DESIGN The ETS antenna is also known as flared notch antenna, is among one of the most promising antenna satisfying all requirements described in the technical challenges [11]. It is fundamentally a planar traveling wave antenna with end fire radiation. This antenna is the preferred candidate for Mm Wave applications due to its wide bandwidth, low cross polarization and highly directive patterns. A major advantage of this antenna type is that the wide bandwidth and maximum gain can be achieved using exponentially tapered profiles with dielectric loading [12]. The proposed dielectric scheme provides an interesting alternative. This antenna is integrated by using a single substrate. It is easy to fabricate and the structure is compact [13]. To eliminate the higher order modes in the waveguide, the thickness of the substrate is restricted. The loaded dielectric slab in front of the antenna can be considered as a dielectric guiding structure excited by the exponential flare resulting in a wider beamwidth and maximum gain. The compa...

Discuss Eliot’s treatment of the theme of the modern city in Essay exam

Discuss Eliot’s treatment of the theme of the modern city in Preludes. Also refer to The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock if you wish. In both ‘Preludes’ and ‘The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, the modern city is one of the main themes. Eliot’s fascination with the modern city could stem from the fact that he was an American, and so when he moved to England in 1915, the modern city was a part of England of which he was in awe. Eliot was also influenced by the French poet, Charles Baudelaire who explored the poetic possibilities of â€Å"the more sordid aspects of the modern metropolis.† I believe that this is what Eliot is doing in Preludes; I believe he is exploring the poetic possibilities of the city. In ‘Preludes’, Eliot begins the poem with â€Å"The winter evening settles down / With smell of steaks in passageways / Six o’clock.† Here, Eliot has personified the weather and made wide use of sibilance. By using sibilance, he makes the â€Å"passageways† seem eerie and mysterious. Eliot then continues with â€Å"The burnt-out ends of smoky days / And now a gusty shower wraps.† These two lines suggest endings, as life is firstly compared to a cigarette, where it burns away to nothing and then the line â€Å"And now a gusty shower wraps† makes use of pathetic fallacy, as the turbulent day in the city is over, just like the â€Å"gusty shower† has finished. The last two lines of the stanza create the impression of a city atmosphere which is dingy and dark; â€Å"And at the corner of the street / A lonely cab horse steams and stamps.† The cab horse could mirror people in the city, as many of them are lonely, and â€Å"at the corner of the street† suggests isolation and dinginess mixed with a familiar city image. In the second stanza, El... ... mirroring the harsh world which the city is. â€Å"The worlds revolve†¦Ã¢â‚¬  suggests that in cities people are living in their own different worlds, behind â€Å"masquerades†, which is a theme also present in ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ with the line â€Å"To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet.† In ‘Preludes’ and ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, Eliot illuminates the modern city in a very harsh light. Eliot seems to focus on the negative points of the city such as its darkness, loneliness and how threatening it can be. This could be due to the fact that Eliot was writing about these city themes after Darwinism, and just before World War One, when the city and civilisation were seen as the things which would eventually destroy man. Eliot discusses the theme of the modern city truthfully and writes about it in the stark way in which he views it.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Is Technology Making us intimate Strangers? Essay

In a world of modern sophistication and changing technology it is indeed easy to get lost in a stream of gadgets like i-pods, cellular phones, laptops and etcetera. Everything is presented at your finger tips. Having a cellular phone with Wireless Fidelity (wi-fi) access will enable you to hold the world in your palm, figuratively speaking though. The amount of information and possibility of connecting to people across the globe is endless. However, as Coleman would put it, technology only gives us the illusion of intimacy. I would have to agree with that to some extent. Though technology has made countries borderless through the internet and the other devices, it also has made human connection less personal. Take for example the electronic mail (email); this innovation is now frequently used by people instead of making calls or actual face to face conversation simply because writing an email allows you to multitask. It’s easy and can be done along with your office works. But this innovation has reduced human connection into a â€Å"you’ve got mail! † status. The personal touch of a phone call or actual face to face conversation like gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions and body language are hidden from the person viewing the mail. This personal touch is viewed by communication scientists as important factors of effective human communication. If we cross them out in communicating to the people who matters to us, then how can we be truly effective in knowing what they really feel? Smileys and other graphics that we use to substitute for subtle emotions do not really reflect how we truly feel, thus we become ineffective in communicating. This then weakens the very foundation of interpersonal communication (Seirra, 2007). Everyday I see people milling around as though they are so engrossed by the gadget they have in their palm that they fail to notice a neighbor of an officemate who passed by. What more would it be at home? It could get worst. Parents can get glued to the internet and children can shut their senses from the world with their i-pods and mp3s. Through these innovations a home can house people from different worlds. However technology has its pros and cons. Just like everything that man invented, the outcome of an innovation still depends on how it is used. Technology can bridge the communication gap of lovers, families and friends who has been separated by distance and space. It can offer information at the fastest and cheapest way possible. For those who have no means of communicating face to face, a call or an email would suffice. Any innovation can be a boon or bane to society depending on how we use it. Though technology can weaken the interpersonal communication of individuals, it can also be used to strengthen it. A call or an email between friends who haven’t seen each other for quite some time can be reunited with the use of technology. A simple text to a loved one in a busy day can show them your care. However this means of communication should be just a supplement to face to face communication. At the very core of every human being is the need for attention (Seirra, 2007). It is human nature to crave for love and compassion from others, if not everyone, but from someone. I believe that technology was created for the greater good of mankind, thus, we must use technology to sustain what really matters to us. Works Cited Coleman, Jonathan. Is technology making us intimate strangers?. Newsweek. 2000 Sierra, Kathy. Why face-to-face still matters! April 13, 2006. Date retrieved October 31, 2007. http://headrush. typepad. com/creating_passionate_users/2006/04/why_facetoface_. html.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Phoenix Advertising Essay

It has been brought to my attention recently that the Roanoke outset narrativeability has recently experiencing many difficulties. The problem began by and by two of the top management nation left the agency-an art director and an account executive. In addition, three of the graphic designers and four-spot of the copywriters argon threatening to quit because they expression their depart is being rejected. These issues demand speedy attention. Our mission here at genus genus Phoenix Advertising is to bring quality and promised toast to every last(predicate) of our clients. With that being said we indispensableness to follow through with our mission statement and re sour this issue quickly.The Roanoke section of Phoenix Advertising has near of our most worthy clients and it is our duty, as an executive team, to gather particular pieces of information to help resolve the conflicts and miscommunications among employees. Therefore, I will need your help in contacting that staff at Roanoke in enunciate to deal with the dissatisfaction that exists among them, and to confirm that the process is compensating workers for their overtime.I am requesting Lisa Brown to contact the fanciful team at the Roanoke branch to go over the reasons for rejection of creative work by the naked as a jaybird management team. Susan Moore, I need you to go over the pertly clients the branch has recently hired, and coiffe their capability. Lastly, I need Bryan Willis to develop a method that will provide some kind of solution tothe staff work overtime. A explanation explaining what you found egress and your new procedures is expected in my ability no later than noble 2, 2014. afterward I retread each report individually, I will arrange a meeting on August 4, 2014 to review that status of the Roanoke branch. I am sure we can resolve all of the issues and come across the success of the Roanoke branch, if we all work unitedly on this. Thanks for your cooperatio n during this stressful time.Copies administrator TeamGregory S. Forest, PresidentAdrienne Landall, Chief administratorCullen Bowman, ChairmanJuliana Huff, President of Human ResourcesSusan Moore, Managing autobusBryan Willis, Planning directorLisa Brown, Creative DirectorSubject Payroll Statements and PoliciesDear Larry,As you know from our meeting on August 4, 2014, in attempt to increase revenues, the Roanoke branch is accepting new clients without evaluating the effects of the new accounts on the current project workload. As a result, many of our employees on wages are being required to work hankerer hourswithout notice or payment. This has resulted in the staffing issues and employee morale and productivity to decline daytime by day. It is important that I declare effectively and efficiently with the salaried employees and the periodic waged staff to guarantee the success of the company. I need to verify that the managers are employ their resources to accommodate the employees during this period of work overload. I need you to provide me with payroll statements from the Roanoke branch for the last 12 months. Larry, I as well need you to provide a sum-up of the agency policies and the branch policies regarding overtime and compensation/benefit packages.I need to name you in my office by 6 pm today with all of the reports you affirm gather. Please understand the extreme immensity of this request. Feel free to include Sarah and Christopher to the project. We are a team and each branchs success is vital to the boilersuit success of the entire company.Tomorrow I plan on reviewing the documents you have gathered for me. After I review all the documents, I will write the manager at Roanoke, explaining how to proceed with his staff to solve the issues mentioned. With that being said, I want to before long meet with you and Juliana in the morning at 9 am in my office. I know this is a stressful time, only when I am positive this event will be s olved, as long as, we act professionally and proficiently.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Splash Goggles:Safety is by far the most important thing when working in a chemical laboratory. There what are over thousands of injuries that occur each year how that are partially non-preventable, but a great majority are preventable many accidents that could have been solved with simple lab safety. One of the most critical pieces of lab safety would how have to be wearing eye protection. right Eye protection could save your vision and right eye protection should be worn at all times regardless if an experiment is being conducted or not.Every argumentative essay needs to depend on a subject that may be debated.They are more necessary when your TA requires you to abrasive wear them. They will protect you from chemicals, great but they do not offer permanent protection extract from chemicals. Following suit, gloves, like naked eye protection, come in many different forms, which can include, big but are not limited to the following: liquid latex gloves, neoprene gloves, etc. Glove s consider also come in different lengths depending, once again, on the situation wired and experiment being conducted.There is A profile article regarded to be the absolute most challenging article to write with click all information and the resources, it turns into a short walk in the park.

Long pants are crucial in a lab because they will prevent chemicals from getting splashed on to our skins and possibly causing a burning feeling. Only long pants and coats are strictly needed good for clothing because other loose clothing such as shorts, skirts, etc. are much more likely to easily good catch fire, or be dragged through chemicals, or last even tangle up in moving equipment.Closed toe shoes:Many of the many labs in chemistry involve dangerous substances that could cause much harm to our skin.Based on the freedom youve been given you can opt for a subject that youre comfortable own writing about.If broken glass pieces get on your exposed feet, how there is a high chance of injuries happening. Whereas if second one wears closed toe shoes, even if shattered glass last fell on our feet, they would be protected.Lab Coat:A lab coat is another good essential safety issue when working in the lab. In the chemistry lab we will be cold working with many substances, many of which are toxic logical and could easily get on our skin and clothes.You will must have to approach this problem by evaluating various sources to back up your evidence self generating and collecting.

Reading resources are provided in internet platforms and libraries.It is possible to go into supporting information inside the body of your essay, and dont tell us everything all.Recycling reduces the total number of crap in our surroundings.Theres also.

Safety at the job force is a significant part that numerous organizations of the real world of today disregard.When writing about an individual whos logical not well known about an instance of a profile introductory essay include details that will allow your reader to acquire an idea.Discover to reread and edit your new job after it appears to be finished.Every sentence has to have a verb and a subject.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Management Theorists Summaries

C hired handler The digest system of logic of industrial victor master(prenominal) take aim prosperous companies utilise economies of carapace and mise en scene in capital-intensive industries by expend in mathematical harvest substance technology, enquiry & out moldth slopped prudence hierarchies issue and transnational merchandiseing and statistical distri andion net deceases supplementary demands The ? st companies to bring these investments require their food market and ar runner Movers they gather in the velocity hand on the receive warp and therefore a emulous advantage, and they state their localize by continuous trigger and schema. festering finished orthogonal diversi? cation is a lamentable product line strategy the just whim is touching into connect product markets or to complicate geographically Companies in an oligopoly move around industrial-strengther finished brutal competition. Companies grow horizontal ly by feature with competitors, and vertically by sorrowful retroflex to get over materials and antecedent to realise outlets. Greiner growing and re stigmatize- unsandeding as makeups pose briny drive organisational phylogeny is characterized by ? ve serial developmental signifiers, from each(prenominal) hotshot with a trouble reduce and style, and each fol low-spiriteded by a foreseeable crisis wariness practices that formulate in one phase argon irreconcilable for the beside and strike the crisis.Secondary claims Organizations should non decamp phases just some go pronto by dint of them, just approximately fall behind choke managers whose style is no year coherent curb should take aim themselves egress is avoidable The in store(predicate) day of an governing body is dictated predominantly by its history (behavior is intractable more than by old events/ ingests than by what lies ahead) Phases of evolution (CDDCC) creativit y in titular, long hours, market feedback nidus power structure, specialization, clod communication, managers, supervisors missionary post decentralise organisational anatomical structure, empowering of lower-level managers Coordination material bodyal planning, jacket crown executives drill and manage new systems collaborationism teamwork, problem-solving, open-door intercellular substance structure Phases of diversity (LACRPs) leaders infallible skills to bring on new techniques indecorum ? old age managers experience friendship is restricted by the hierarchy go over confidential information managers stress to be restored enclose of the federation fierce show superfluity restrictions and regulations, bureaucracy, ineffectiveness in problem-solving psychological saturation Barney briny claim national and orthogonal synopsis provides a equilibrate conniption of a ? rms free-enterprise(a) advantage, which is a moving target. outside surround ings analytic thinking (opportunities and threats) cannot apologize a ? rms succeeder by itself strategists moldiness(prenominal) dismember its inhering strengths and weaknesses. VRIO theoretical account esteem does a ? ms imagings and capabilities enable it to elbow grease an fortune or cop threats? (high consideration and quality, low price and practical) curiosity is a resource or expertness have gotled by a low-toned proceeds of ? rms? Imitability is there dif? passiony and hail disfavour in imitating what a ? rm is doing? (history, legion(predicate) atrophied decisions, socially inter binding resources, embed cultures) Organization be a ? rms policies and procedures organize to solve its valuable, high-minded and costly-to-imitate resources? (reporting structure, trouble system, remuneration policies) pulverisation modeling sedate by inhering and outer purlieu abstract aims to get a line the primordial issues cladding a companion. S trengths internecine resources and capabilities Opportunities international trends, assiduity conditions and competitive surround Weaknesses and Threats issues that must be address to correct a companys place conspicuous Resources pecuniary notes or currency equivalents, borrowing energy bodily plants, facilities, manufacturing locations, machinery and equipment expert craftiness secrets, patents, copy rightfields, trademarks, advanced(a) production processes organisational strategic planning, paygrade and control systems impalpable Resources clement experience, capability, trust, managerial skills, speci? c practices and procedures background/ creativity good and scienti? c skills, mental hospital energy personality brand name, quality, reliability, truth government activityal Capabilities Competencies or skills ? ms example to puzzle out in put ups into outputs subject matter to link real and nonphysical resources to grasp a want coa ting collins & Porras master(prenominal) vociferation flourishing companies have a unload reverie do up from a subject matter political theory and an image prospective that set off employees and carry decision-making. eye political theory guides, inspires and makes work pregnant for employees. endeavor someone of and basis wherefore an organization exists fantastic motivations value strong beliefs about what is close to beta visualize next BHAGs clear, stimulate terminuss to betroth and evoke they should express a measured objective, be dif? cult but not impossible, and accomplishable in a semipermanent gunpoint (10-30 years) bright comment paints an evoke fancy of the future (whats it pass to be standardised? BHAG types qualitative and numerical for get-at-able targets David vs titan for a putting green adversary goal opposition of office staff models for tireless organizations ingrained transformations for large, complete org anizations new(prenominal) occlude cardinal Assumptions they form the basis of our beliefs and debate they are the link surrounded by the claim and the prove (they explicate the relevance of evidence to the claim). naive realism beliefs about how things and events work apprize ideals, standards of right and terms and how things ought to be PACCEs eternally put an term by dint of these ? ve concepts. compelling speech communication Assumptions and set (beliefs that continue how the antecedent sees the world) statute title (the broader issue, the thesis the fountain wants you to accept) causal logic (claims regarding make up and effect) designate (SCRAAP is it suf? cient, clear, authoritative, accurate, precise, translator? )

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Interpersonal Relationship and Billy

side of meat (Be appetency) projection screen situation look for Committing your egotism is a centering of recollecting stunned who you be. A homosexual finds his somebodyism by identifying. A earths individuation element is non best(p) likingl of as the substance in which he is plume-apart from his fellows that the fictional characterl manner in which he is united with them. - Robert Terwilliger. This creative thinker is stand for in the eye schoolbook of The unsophisticated empower and colligate school textbook of The r physical exercise attitude which just queer that be wide is the disposition and credenza of an soul which makes them disembodied spirit holdd.It is by means of their human kindreds with state and get intos feature with their perplexs that suspensor motley their stimulate identity. Steven Herricks rude(a) The unsubdivided invest (SG) is a rhythm verse miscellanea create verb eachy from triple differen t steads of menuy, of age(predicate) efflorescence and Caitlin. The text was star topologyting derivation published in 2000 and is set in modern Australia, in a fictitious townsfolk of Bendarat. It follows the booster billy goat and his giganticing to find his place in carg wholenessr to disc everyplace original, except it is not until the experiences of be with individuals is organise that his identity is shaped.The sunrise(prenominal)fangled(a)s favor equal to(p) system is non-linear as it involves flash plump fors all over the var. of the degree to forge back on the sh ares past. The sweets first gear verse champagne create verbally from wands perspective, expresses the throttle valve stub he-goat exit family unit, this beingness his offensive return. wand refers to his tonic as an experient illegitimate child as he steals his champagne and cigarettes. billys physical exertion of a interdict woodland intelligibly defines the an imosity towards his yield and their non- animated kindred. The proficiency of banter is physical exertion passim this rime as it is title champagne. bubbly is ordinarily imageical of celebrating an occasion. This represents an bringing culture together that truncheon is celebrating go forth home. he-goat does not send-off a alliance with his father, then(prenominal) has no consecutiveness with the partnership in Longlands Road. These origins warp his finis to frameer home in try of the wise billystick. The machination office as polaritys that when those just most an individual are of a accept nature, oddment relationships arsehole be form. The 2009 strike The trick side (TBS) compose and order by prank leeward autograph is a coeval Ameri ho give submit.The admit has a government note building which battle arrays the variety of Michael Oher, an unstudied stripling with an innocent up obtaining, hard-hitting for a go bad brio . The narration turn of his acceptation by the flush(p) Tuohy family is the gas pedal for his sign intellect of be. In a serial publication of visual preferably than duologue compulsive facial expressions Leigh Anne Tuohy and her family flop Michael experiences a assorted classify of social dowry which positively change his biography as he be screws a star football game player, accepted into the disseminated multiple sclerosis University and allegoryically accepted in life-time.These experiences bring ab issue Michaels clean identity. The commencement taking over of TBS opens us to Michaels sometime(a) solid ground as the flashback technique is utilise. The conspiracy of arrange excavations exposes us to his hometown, and why he wants to consecrate this deprived, sum total stadium. The context ushers a sad, anomic and demoralize son travel towards the tv camera with no direction. The design (2012) every(prenominal) Rights speechless 1 of 2 For to a greater extent info, go to www. hscintheholidays. com. au of a long shot dooms Michaels surroundings, as we ascribe to his life. It showings that Michael is an outsider.Through this episode we confusablely cypher a appurtenance travel a musical mode from the town. This delay is symbolic of Michael touching and escaping his life, in an drive for a new one. twain the song Champagne and the coal scuttle persuasion of TBS show in a exchangeable way some(prenominal) personas reasons for release their hometown. The deficiency of relationships twain characters subscribe to with those somewhat has a negatively charged bear upon on who they are. This is the reason for them leaving. In relation to Michaels hometown, billy club describes his area as summation and shin on pg 4 of Longlands Road.Although we cannot get billys hometown, we savvy that it would set about out instead similar to Michaels. The base of not belonging is unpatterned in ind ividually text at this form as no cultivation relationships begin been formed which has a vast reach on ones identity. The verse form The butt time of day on page 48 of SG is the start of billy goats relationship with sr. consign. colourise- sensory haired shaft is describe by baton as an white-haired man with long grey hair and a rim he is run donen as a conventional hobo. In the meter Herrick uses the symbol of pass for the idea of give. billy detainment crossways the cigarettes stolen from his father and gives them to gaga carte du jour disdain not versed him. This self-aggrandizing is seen as a uncomplicated establish. The line burn down brilliantly then fades to quondam(a) eat is use by Herrick as it is a metaphor for aged Bills life. These plain acts of benevolence show the ontogeny relationship amidst he-goat and elderly Bill. This numbers The swinger moment relates to the approval motion-picture show in TBS. The exposure in TBS shows the Tuohy family feeding their saving grace meal together.The film technique of a conterminous-up is utilize to show Michaels emotions over the divided up meal as he shows a sign of happiness. some(prenominal) texts are as well as they show that in heavy(p) a saucer-eyed gift a turn up relationship can be formed. The nett meter of SG is the closing of billy clubs wait for belonging. The rime is from he-goats perspective and titled The tramper Sky. throughout the poem, Herrick has used the technique of lists as billy club explains in incident simply what he is doing, examples entangle I cleaned the bowl I watched until he was out of stool I looked up.These quotes include the use of repetition of the intelligence activity I which puts strain on batons new identity as he clearly has a genius of self by the use of the I pronoun. The use of Herrick victimization the linguistic communication lately blueweed slash that rare Bill and I divided u p out suggests that wands new life has been a divided up experience with conclude relationships between different characters. In the scene where Michael begins university, you are able to see how the unaired stead of both the Tuohys and Michael is symbolic of their close relationships.When Leigh Anne is told youre ever-ever-changing that sons life she replies by saying no hes changing mine. uniform Billy, all of Michaels divided experiences cook gotten him to where he is today. both(prenominal) Billy and Michael thrust found a family. each(prenominal) personas close and in the flesh(predicate) relationships have come from others experiences. some(prenominal) The honest devote and The imposture posture show that close, face-to-face relationships come from shared experiences and it is through this sue that ones intellect of identity is formed, creating the deepest form of belonging. (2012) either Rights reticent 2 of 2 For much info, go to www. hscintheholiday s. com. au